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Choosing Your Doctor (Primary Care Physician)

Choosing the doctor who will be your first port of call for anything health-related is a crucial decision. You want a doctor who understands your current health and has the relevant expertise to deal with any health issues that may arise. It’s also great to have a good rapport with your doctor so that you feel comfortable sharing your health concerns with them and having them examine you as necessary.

This article will give you all the tools to choose a primary care physician. We’ll discuss all the key factors that should influence your choice so that you can embark on your healthcare journey with peace of mind.

What Is A Primary Care Doctor?

A primary care doctor is also known as a primary care physician or PCP. They serve as the initial point of contact when you’re looking for medical help. For example, you might need to see a specialist for an ailment but would need to see your primary care doctor first for an assessment and referral.

Primary care doctors play a crucial role in managing and coordinating your healthcare needs. They are trained in a wide range of fields including family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics. This allows them to understand a wide range of healthcare needs and provide an accurate first assessment when you need help before referring you to a specialist.

If your ailment isn’t serious, they can treat them immediately through procedures done in their room or by prescribing medication.

Your PCP can also provide preventative care for a range of illnesses, diagnose and treat common illnesses, and help you manage a chronic condition.

They often build long-term relationships with their patients, gaining a comprehensive understanding of their medical history, lifestyle, and specific needs over the years. This is beneficial as a patient because you don’t need to explain the above to a new doctor every time you’re sick. 

How To Find A Primary Care Doctor

So, how do you go about finding a primary care doctor? You need to evaluate a few options before you choose the physician that works best for you. Here are some ways to find doctors:

  • Your primary care doctor should be close to your home or work for emergencies. So, asking friends or family who live or work close to you is a great place to start.
  • Also do an online search for doctors near you and check their reviews to make sure they’re a suitable option.
  • If you attend a clinic, you can ask for a referral to a nearby primary care doctor.

What To Consider When Choosing A Primary Care Doctor

Once you know your options, you must choose your primary care doctor. Here’s how you can choose a doctor that will work for you.

First, understand your own needs. These can be medical and non-medical. For example, do you have any pre-existing conditions that you’d need your doctor to know how to manage? Do you prefer a doctor of a specific gender? These are factors to consider that can make your healthcare journey more comfortable for you.

Next, do some research. This can include chatting with some of their existing patients or checking online reviews. While a doctor’s medical qualifications and knowledge are important, so is their bedside manner. Try to find out how well the doctor communicates with their patients, how long you need to wait for an appointment, and whether their current patients are happy with the care they receive.

Your research should include checking that they are a registered doctor. You can do this on the medical board’s website. If you have specific needs, such as diabetes or high blood pressure management, check if they have expertise in this area.

Questions To Ask A Potential Primary Care Doctor

Here is a list of questions you should ask some potential primary care doctors. These are designed to get to know each doctor better, including their areas of expertise and interest and communication styles.

  • How many years of experience do you have in primary care?
  • Are you board-certified? 
  • What is your approach to preventive care?
  • How do you handle the coordination of care with specialists if needed?
  • What is the general wait time before I can obtain an appointment?
  • How do you handle after-hours care or emergencies?
  • What is your stance on patient involvement in decision-making and treatment options?
  • Can you provide examples of how you’ve helped patients manage chronic conditions like mine?
  • How do you stay updated on the latest medical advancements?
  • What’s your policy on referring patients to specialists when necessary?
  • How do you handle communication with patients regarding test results or treatment plans?
  • Do you have any specific areas of interest or expertise?

If you have any other very specific requirements, make sure to ask your potential primary care doctor to clarify how they would handle that situation.

What To Expect During Your First Appointment With Your Primary Care Physician

The first thing you can expect to encounter at your new primary care doctor’s office is paperwork. They’ll need to register you on their system as a patient along with any relevant health-related information such as allergies and existing conditions. You should arrive 15 minutes early to get this done in time before your appointment.

When you walk into your appointment, your doctor will obtain a medical history from you to be kept on file. Be sure to mention any previous operations, any current medication you’re on, and any allergies you may have.

Next, your doctor will ask about any current symptoms you’re worried about. They’ll then move on to assessing your vitals and doing a general medical checkup, with a focus on any areas you’re experiencing problems with. Your vital signs assessment will include blood pressure and heart rate, and your doctor will likely check your weight and height to keep on file and establish baseline measurements for you.

Once your doctor has completed a physical examination, they’ll discuss treatment options with you for your ailment. They may discuss preventative measures and lifestyle changes if they find any potential health concerns such as raised blood pressure.

If necessary, your doctor will then schedule a follow-up appointment for you.

Insurance Coverage For Primary Care Doctors

Insurance coverage for primary care doctors varies depending on the plan type you have. Having insurance is important to reduce the cost of visiting a primary care doctor, which can cost up to $300 per visit.

Your insurance provider will typically ask you to choose a primary care doctor when you sign up. This doctor will act as the coordinator of all your non-emergency healthcare needs. Depending on your plan, you might be responsible for a co-payment when you visit your doctor, but the cost will be greatly reduced compared to having to pay out-of-pocket for each visit. 

The Cost Of Primary Care Services

The cost of primary care services depends on a few factors. These include your location, the specific services or treatments you need, how experienced your doctor is, and the insurance coverage you have.  

Primary healthcare services are generally more affordable when compared with specialized care or hospital visits, but it’s important to remember that any type of insurance coverage will significantly reduce the amount you need to pay per visit.

So what is the cost of primary care services? 

The cost of your primary care visit depends on how long you spend with the doctor. A level 1 patient requires minimal care and only spends 10 minutes with their doctor. At this level of care, you can expect to pay up to $100 for your visit. 

A level 5 patient, on the other hand, will pay up to $300 for an appointment with their primary care doctor because they require more extensive care from and time with their doctor. This appointment will be around 40 minutes long.

When you have insurance, you can expect to pay much less for your appointment. If you have no coverage, the cost of primary care services can vary greatly or even cost more because doctors have agreements with insurance companies to provide their clients with reduced rates.

How To Prepare For Your Primary Care Appointment

Preparing for your first appointment with a new primary care physician is important. It will help you make sure they have all the information they need to effectively treat you.

Here’s what you should prepare before attending your appointment:

  • Your medical history. Gather important information about any surgeries you’ve had, any diagnoses that are relevant such as chronic conditions or active acute conditions, any relevant test results, and any allergies you may have. Write down rough dates of each diagnosis or treatment so that your new doctor has a comprehensive overview of your health.
  • Compile a list of any current symptoms you’re experiencing or concerns you may have. Seeing a new doctor can sometimes feel overwhelming which can lead to you forgetting to tell them about a concern or symptom you’re experiencing. Making a list means you’ll get all the relevant information to them. Write down the dates you’ve experienced the symptoms and how long they lasted so your doctor can address the problem effectively.
  • Gather your necessary documents. You’ll need an identity document for your first visit, as well as your insurance card. If you have any test results or hard copies of your previous medical records, these are important to take with you to give your doctor a better understanding of your health.
  • Make a note of any illnesses that run in your family. You may have a predisposition to developing these illnesses, so your doctor will keep a close eye on whether you develop any symptoms.
  • Be prepared to discuss lifestyle factors. Your doctor will want to know how often you exercise, whether you smoke, what your diet is like, and what your stress levels are like on a day-to-day basis.

Tips For Communicating With Your Primary Care Doctor

It’s important to effectively communicate with your primary care doctor. This helps you receive quality healthcare. Remember, you’re your own advocate and it’s your responsibility to inform your doctor of any and all symptoms you experience so that they can effectively diagnose and treat you.

Here are some tips on how to effectively communicate with your doctor:

Be Open And Honest

First, remember to be open and honest. Share accurate information about your symptoms, medical history, lifestyle, and any concerns or questions you might have. 

Be honest about any changes you’ve noticed in your health lately and how accurately you adhere to taking prescribed medications. 

Open communication helps your doctor make informed decisions and provide accurate care.

Give Your Doctor All Relevant Information

Next, refer to your prepared notes to make sure you give your doctor all the information they might need to treat you.

Prioritize your list to make sure all the most important topics are discussed during your appointment, and if you don’t get to the less important information, you can email your doctor after the appointment.

Be Specific

Be specific and descriptive when you’re describing your symptoms. Be as detailed as possible, including the duration, frequency, and severity of your symptoms. 

You should also tell your doctor about anything that relieves or worsens your symptoms. 

Clear and accurate descriptions help your doctor make accurate diagnoses.

Listen Carefully

Make sure you actively listen to your doctor’s explanations, recommendations, and instructions. If you’re prone to forget these types of things. Make notes in a notepad or on your phone for reference at a later point. 

If your doctor says something that doesn’t make sense to you, make sure you ask for clarification.

Ask Questions

Ask your doctor questions about your health condition, treatment options, the potential side effects of medications, and any other uncertainties you may have. It’s your right to understand the rationale behind your doctor’s decisions and to be well-informed about your medical conditions and treatments. 

Communicate Throughout Your Treatment

Make sure you maintain open communication with your doctor throughout your treatment cause if you’re diagnosed and treated for an illness or ailment. This is an important part of receiving personalized and high-quality care.

When To Seek A Second Opinion From A Primary Care Doctor

It can be beneficial in some circumstances to seek a second opinion from a primary care doctor. Here are some instances where that may be the case:

  • If you’re diagnosed with a complex or serious medical condition, seeking a second opinion from your primary care doctor might be beneficial. Remember, your primary care doctor is the one who has your comprehensive medical history, including your family medical history, and may have a different opinion that takes into account a holistic view of your health.
  • If you see a lack of improvement after receiving care from a specialist, consult with your primary care doctor for a second opinion. It’s possible that you’ve been misdiagnosed or aren’t receiving adequate treatment for your condition if you’re seeing no improvement over a period of time.
  • If you receive an unclear diagnosis or conflicting information, seek the second opinion of a primary care doctor. Sometimes, it can be your own primary care doctor giving you conflicting information, and in this case, it would be helpful to have a second set of eyes on your test results. 
  • If you’re uncomfortable with your current primary care doctor and the way they treat your illnesses, seek the care of a different doctor. It’s possible that you don’t connect well with your current doctor, and this is when you should start looking for a second opinion as well as a new primary care doctor.
  • If you feel that you should explore new treatment options for any reason, seek the opinion of another primary care doctor. You may need to inform your insurance provider of this choice to ensure coverage at your new doctor or expect to pay up to $300 for the appointment depending on the level of care you need.


Choosing a primary care doctor is an important choice as they will be the one you go to first with any of your health concerns. So, it’s important to make sure that you choose a well-qualified, experienced doctor who is close to your home or office and has a reasonable waiting time for appointments.

Make sure your chosen primary care doctor is covered by your insurance provider. You can expect to pay up to $300 per appointment if they’re not in-network, and this can get expensive if you need follow-up appointments or develop any other common illnesses that you need treatment for. Remember, this fee excludes the cost of any medication you may need.

If you don’t have health insurance, get in touch with Enhance Health. We’re here to help you find health insurance coverage that suits your needs and your budget. Everyone deserves to have peace of mind when it comes to medical concerns. And having health insurance ensures that you don’t have to worry about the financial strain of medical bills when seeking the care you need. 

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