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Difference Between Health Insurance Agents, Brokers, And Navigators

Health insurance is essential to safeguard your well-being and protect you from excessive medical costs. However, navigating the complicated world of health insurance can be overwhelming with all the available options. 

Fortunately, licensed professionals like health insurance agents, brokers, and navigators can assist you in making informed decisions and finding the coverage that best suits your needs.

This article explores the roles of each type of health insurance professional and how they can help you find the right insurance plan.

Health Insurance Agents, Brokers, And Navigators: What Is The Difference?

Health insurance can be confusing, but experts like agents, brokers, and navigators can guide you. It’s hard to tell the difference between them, so which one should you pick?

What Is A Health Insurance Agent?

A health insurance agent specializes in helping individuals and businesses find health insurance plans that suit their unique needs and requirements.

Agents are employed and paid by insurance companies. They act as middlemen between insurance providers and potential policyholders and receive extensive training on the insurance products they sell. 

Insurance agents are also licensed by their state insurance department and certified by the government-run exchange. They must keep their education current to keep their licenses and certifications.

Pros And Cons Of An Insurance Agent


  • Expertise: Health insurance agents are licensed professionals with in-depth knowledge of specific companies’ various insurance plans.
  • Simplified enrollment: Working with an insurance agent can simplify the enrollment process.
  • Time-saving: A health insurance agent can save you time and effort by doing the research for you. They’ll compare multiple plans, explain the differences, and provide you with knowledgeable options.
  • A personalized plan: It is vital to get the best health insurance. An agent can help by understanding your needs and budget and recommending plans that cover them without extra costs.
  • Advocacy: Insurance agents support clients by helping them navigate the healthcare system and resolving any issues they may face with their claims or coverage denials. 
  • Access to multiple carriers: agents typically represent specific insurance companies, but they often have access to a range of carriers. This means you get access to a broader selection of plans and options.


  • Limited plan options: Agents represent specific insurance companies, and their recommendations are limited to the plans offered by those companies. 
  • Bias towards certain companies: Since insurance agents work for insurance companies, bias toward their products is possible. 
  • Commission-based sales: While reputable agents prioritize their customers’ needs, some may be incentivized to promote plans that benefit them financially.

What Is An Insurance Broker?

An insurance broker is a licensed professional who mediates between the insurance buyer and the insurance companies. Unlike insurance agents, brokers are independent. They can represent multiple insurance companies and are not required to sell the plans through their employer. 

This independence allows brokers to offer a wide range of plans, providing more options for customers who need them. Brokers help clients assess potential risks and determine the appropriate coverage to protect against them. 

Insurance brokers can also guide clients through the claims process in case of a claim. They help to ensure that the necessary documentation is submitted correctly and promptly.

Insurance brokers typically earn a commission from the insurance companies with which they place policies. However, this commission does not impact the insurance price for the client.

Pros And Cons Of An Insurance Broker


  • Tailored health coverage: They work with multiple insurance companies, offering clients various insurance policies and options.
  • Expertise: Brokers are knowledgeable about insurance products, industry trends, and regulations.
  • Personalized service: Insurance brokers take the time to understand their client’s unique needs and circumstances.
  • Time-saving: Brokers handle the research, comparison, and paperwork to find and enroll in insurance plans.
  • Claims assistance: In the event of a claim of any variety, insurance brokers can act as advocates for their clients in a way that other types of agents cannot. 


  • Broker fees: In some cases, insurance brokers may charge service or consultation fees for their expertise. This can vary in amount depending on the broker. 
  • Misaligned Incentives: There is always a chance that financial incentives influence brokers.
  • Lack of direct discounts: When you purchase insurance policies online, insurance companies might offer direct discounts or promotions unavailable through brokers.

What Does A Health Insurance Navigator Do?

Navigators help people understand and obtain health insurance on the federal marketplace, Healthcare.gov. They cannot help you find a policy that is not on the exchange or policies that fit your tax planning. 

Their role is to support those eligible for health insurance through government programs like Medicaid or subsidized insurance plans through the ACA marketplace. 

Navigators are not required to pass licensure exams. Still, they can assist with enrollment, determine whether you qualify for subsidies, and connect you with resources. 

Navigators can also help you file for shared responsibility exemptions and eligibility appeals. However, they cannot represent you in the appeal.

Pros And Cons Of A Health Insurance Navigator


  • Expertise: Navigators are trained to understand health insurance options and government assistance programs.
  • Targeted assistance: Navigators can assist vulnerable or underserved populations. They help underserved communities access healthcare by connecting them with Federally Qualified Health Centers that provide vital preventive care and screening services.
  • Language and cultural support: They can assist diverse populations by bridging language and cultural barriers to ensure everyone understands their options.


  • Availability: Navigators may not be available in all areas, especially in rural regions.
  • Limited resources: Grants often fund navigators, and their resources can be limited.
  • Level of knowledge: Navigators cannot assist you with private health insurance options.
  • Time constraints: Due to their busy schedules, navigators may not have enough time for all queries, leaving some with unanswered questions or issues.

Should You Choose An Insurance Agent, Navigator, Or Broker?

The choice between an insurance agent, navigator, or broker depends on your specific needs and preferences and the complexity of your insurance requirements. 

You should choose an insurance agent to work with if you want to work directly with an insurance company and are interested in specific insurance plans offered by a particular insurer. 

You should also go with an insurance agent if you want personalized recommendations tailored to your needs from a representative who knows their company’s products in detail. This type of agent is also useful if you need assistance with enrollment. 

Choosing a navigator makes sense if you seek health insurance through government programs like Medicaid and the ACA. You may also want to go this route if you need assistance understanding your eligibility for subsidies or low-income assistance programs.

Navigators are a great option if you want impartial guidance to help you understand premiums and deductibles or need language or cultural support. 

Lastly, you may want to choose an insurance broker to access a wide selection of options from multiple insurance companies. Brokers can provide expert advice and personalized recommendations based on your circumstances. 

You can also explore multiple options simultaneously. For example, you can consult an insurance agent and a broker to compare their offerings and recommendations. This approach gives you comprehensive insights to find the best insurance coverage.

Final Thoughts 

Insurance agents, brokers, and navigators can all help you with health insurance. 

Health insurance agents know their company’s products and can provide valuable advice.

Insurance brokers are independent and can offer a wider range of coverage options and personalized recommendations. Health insurance navigators specialize in government programs like Medicaid and ACA plans.

At Enhance Health, we understand that navigating the complexities of health insurance can be overwhelming. We are dedicated to making the process easier for you. Contact our licensed agents today to get a medical insurance plan tailored to your needs. 

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