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How Much Do Abortion Pills Cost Without Insurance

The abortion pill, also known as a medical abortion or the abortion pill regimen, was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in September 2000 for use in the United States.

The pill combines two medications, mifepristone and misoprostol. It is a safe and effective way to terminate early pregnancies up to 10 weeks gestation.

In June 2022, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, severely restricting access to abortion in the U.S. However, medication abortions are available through telehealth services and mail with a prescription. 

According to The Guttmacher Institute, a leading research and policy organization, medication abortion makes up more than half of all abortions in the country.

If you are considering a medication abortion and do not have health insurance, you likely have questions about the costs involved. 

So how much do abortion pills cost without insurance and what additional costs are there to consider? We cover this and more below. 

How Much Does The Abortion Pill Cost Without Insurance?

The average cost of an abortion pill is $500. It can cost as little as $300 with the financial support of abortion funds or upwards of $800 for an in-person visit.

Abortion Pill Costs Through Telehealth 

Telehealth, or telemedicine, refers to using technology, such as video calls to provide healthcare services remotely. This allows patients to consult with healthcare providers from the comfort of their homes or other remote locations without needing in-person visits.

In many states, it is legal to get abortion pills mailed to you that have been prescribed online by a licensed telehealth provider.

A significant advantage of telehealth is reducing healthcare costs for patients as it eliminates the need for transportation to and from healthcare facilities.

If abortion is not legal in your state, telehealth may still be viable. Crossing state lines into a state that has a telehealth abortion provider may still save you more time and money than traveling to an in-person provider in another state. However, not all clinics will treat out-of-state patients for fear of criminal action.

Telehealth abortion is offered up to 9 weeks after the start of your last menstrual period. The fee charged by the telehealth provider typically includes the following:

  • The cost of a video consultation.
  • A review of your medical history.
  • A follow-up two weeks later to ensure the abortion was successful. 

You must complete a questionnaire confirming your identity, medical history, insurance, address, and eligibility.

Some providers will mail the medication to your address and may require that you have a mailing address in the state where the provider is licensed to practice. Others might require that you collect the medication from them and have multiple pickup locations.

Depending on where you live, you can order abortion medication virtually, with the cost ranging from around $145 to $550. 

Average Costs Of The Abortion Pill Through Telehealth Services By State

Some telehealth services that provide abortion pills include Hey Jane, Abortion On Demand, Choix, Abortion Telemedicine, Whole Woman’s Health, Lilith Care, and Aid Access.

StateCost of Abortion Medication Through Telehealth Without Insurance
California$149 – $289
Colorado$ 145 – $ 289
Connecticut $ 145 – $ 289
Delaware$ 145 – $ 289
Georgia$ 239 – $ 289
Hawaii$ 239 – $ 289
Illinois$ 145 – $ 289
Maine$ 145 – $ 289
Maryland$ 239 – $ 400
Massachusetts $ 145 – $ 289
Minnesota$ 239 – $ 400
Montana$ 145 – $ 289
Nevada$ 239 – $ 289
New Hampshire$ 239 – $ 289
New Jersey$ 145 – $ 289
New Mexico$ 145 – $ 400
New York$ 149 – $289
Oregan$ 145 – $ 289
Rhode Island$ 145 – $ 289
Vermont$ 145 – $ 289
Virginia$ 145 – $ 400
Washington$149 – $ 289
Washington DC$ 145
All 50 States $ 110 – $ 150

In-Person Abortion Pill Costs

Abortion medication in-person visits typically involve an initial consultation with a healthcare provider to determine if a medication abortion is appropriate for you. 

The healthcare provider will take a medical history, perform a physical exam, and conduct necessary tests. These include a pregnancy test, other lab work, and an ultrasound if you have not had one recently. You can expect the visit to take at least 1.5 to 2 hours. 

During the visit, the healthcare provider will provide detailed instructions on taking the medications and what to expect during and after the abortion. They will also give you information on what to do in case of complications or side effects.

You will take the first pill, mifepristone, in the office. Your healthcare provider will give you the second pill, misoprostol, to take at home two days later. They may also give you analgesics to help manage the side effects. 

The clinic or doctor’s office will arrange a follow-up appointment within two weeks of the abortion. 

An in-person abortion pill visit will typically cost between $ 550 and $ 750

Additional Costs To Consider

If you are considering a medication abortion, there are several additional costs you may need to consider. 

  • Depending on your job and the amount of time required for the abortion and follow-up appointments, you may need to take time off work, which could result in lost wages.
  • You may also need to budget for travel costs to and from a healthcare provider to obtain the medication and follow-up appointments. If you must travel to another state to get care, you need to factor in the cost of airfares, gas, and car rentals.  
  • Traveling to a different state may also incur costs for accommodation, food, and pet or child care if you have pets and children at home.
  • Depending on your location, you may need to pay for a consultation with a healthcare provider to obtain the medication. Plus, an ultrasound may be required to confirm the gestational age of the pregnancy before the drug can be prescribed. 
  • You may need follow-up appointments with a healthcare provider after taking the medication to ensure that the abortion is complete and that there are no complications.
  • With the abortion, you will experience cramping and bleeding. Side effects of the abortion pill may cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. You’ll want to have some thick overnight-type maxi pads ready, a heating pad, and medication to help relieve cramping and other side effects of the abortion pill. 
ServiceCost of Additional Service Without Insurance
Ultrasound$ 100 – $ 400
Expedited postage of abortion medication$ 20
Heating Pad$ 14
Menstrual Products$ 15 – $ 30
Pain Medication$ 6

4 Factors That Affect The Cost Of Abortion Pills

Geographic Location 

The cost of the abortion pill can vary by state and region. For example, it may be more expensive in urban areas with higher living costs. Rentals for doctors’ offices and clinics are more expensive in major metropolitan areas. Factors such as staff wages and rent influence service expenses. 

Access to abortions in the state you live in can impact the cost. In California, for example, abortion care is considered basic health care. All basic health care insurance must cover it.

In states with restrictive abortion laws or where access to abortion is limited, the cost of obtaining abortion pills may be significantly higher due to increased demand and a limited number of providers. 

In some cases, individuals may need to travel out of state to access affordable abortion care, which can also add additional expenses such as travel and lodging.

Type Of Insurance

The law in the U.S. prohibits the use of federal funds to pay for abortion, except where the pregnancy is a result of incest or rape or to save the woman’s life. This means that in most states, Medicaid and marketplace plans only cover the cost of abortion under these circumstances. 

However, if you buy coverage through the Affordable Care Act marketplaces, your residence is key. While seven states require that abortion is covered by basic health care insurance, twenty-six states restrict abortion coverage in ACA plans.

Healthcare Provider

The cost of the abortion pill may be influenced by the healthcare provider you visit. Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics may offer the medication at a lower price than private doctors.

Clinic Fees 

If you obtain abortion pills from a clinic, you may be charged a fee for the consultation, ultrasound, or other medical services. The type of clinic can also affect the cost of abortion pills. Private clinics may charge more than clinics run by non-profit organizations.

Some clinics may offer discounts or sliding-scale fees based on income. This means that the cost of the abortion pill may be less for those with lower incomes. It’s essential to ask about these options when making an appointment.

Gestational Age

While abortion pills are offered up to eleven weeks after the start of your last menstrual period, the cost of abortion pills may increase as the pregnancy progresses. This is because more medication may be needed to induce an abortion as the pregnancy advances. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Abortion Pills 

Is The Abortion Pill Safe?

The abortion pill is a safe and effective method of ending a pregnancy in the early stages.

According to the World Health Organization, the abortion pill has a success rate of over 95% when used within the first nine weeks of pregnancy. It is safer than many other medical procedures, including childbirth.

Like all medical procedures, there are some potential risks and side effects associated with the abortion pill. These can include cramping, bleeding, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. Severe complications are rare. 

You should only take the abortion pill under the guidance of a healthcare provider. They will provide information on what to expect and how to manage any potential side effects or complications.

How Does The Abortion Pill Work? 

The abortion pill involves taking two medications, mifepristone, and misoprostol, which work together to terminate the pregnancy.

Mifepristone is the first oral pill, which you will usually at a clinic or medical office. It works by blocking the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for maintaining a pregnancy. Without progesterone, the lining of the uterus breaks down, and the pregnancy cannot continue.

About 24 to 48 hours after taking mifepristone, the second medication, misoprostol, is taken at home. Misoprostol causes the uterus to contract and expel the pregnancy tissue. This usually takes several hours and can cause heavy bleeding and cramping, similar to a heavy period.

Most women will pass the pregnancy tissue within a few hours or days after taking misoprostol. Still, in some cases, a follow-up appointment with a healthcare provider may be needed to ensure the abortion is complete.

Can I Get Financial Assistance To Pay For My Abortion?

Some organizations provide financial assistance for abortion services. When you make an appointment with your provider, ask them what financial assistance may be available. 

The National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF) is a network of organizations that support people to get abortions. You can find a list of member organizations on their website, where you can apply for funding. 

Planned Parenthood, a nonprofit organization that provides reproductive health care, offers financial assistance to individuals seeking abortions. You can contact your local Planned Parenthood for more information.

The Abortion Care Network has a directory of abortion providers in the United States; some offer financial assistance.

How Much Time Do I Have To Decide Whether Or Not To Take The Abortion Pill?

You can take the abortion pill up to the eleventh week of your pregnancy. It is important to make a decision as soon as possible, as the medication is most effective when taken early in the pregnancy.

The decision to have an abortion is personal and complex. It should be made after carefully considering all options and consultation with a medical professional. Speak with a healthcare provider as soon as possible to discuss your options and the timing of the abortion pill.


No matter your health needs, you should have health insurance for several excellent reasons. The good news is that even with low income or no income, there’s a way to get you covered.  

Many health insurance plans cover preventive care services, such as annual check-ups and screenings, which can help you stay healthy and catch health problems early. Plus, health insurance protects you from unexpected medical expenses that can leave you financially vulnerable.

With health insurance, you may be able to take advantage of negotiated rates with healthcare providers, which can lower your out-of-pocket expenses for medical care.

At Enhance Health, we understand health insurance is complex. Still, our expert licensed representatives will help you choose the right plan for your needs. 

Contact us today. Our expert advice and guidance will give you all the information you need to select the right health insurance plan.

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