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How Much Does It Cost To See A Psychiatrist Without Insurance?

People seek psychiatric care for various reasons. These include behavioral issues that are disruptive or harmful, like substance abuse or emotional problems, that interfere with their ability to function in daily life.

Psychiatrists can help by conducting a thorough evaluation, providing a diagnosis, and developing a personalized treatment plan. This may include medication, psychotherapy, or other interventions. They can also provide ongoing support and monitoring to help individuals manage their mental health and improve their quality of life.

Psychiatrists are medical doctors with years of specialized training. As such, it can be costly to see one. 

Below, we break down how much it costs to see a psychiatrist without insurance and provide some affordable alternatives you can consider.

The Cost Of A Psychiatrist Without Insurance

The cost of seeing a psychiatrist without insurance can vary widely depending on several factors. These include the psychiatrist’s experience, location, and the type of treatment needed. 

In general, though, the cost of an initial evaluation with a psychiatrist can range from $100 to $500 or more. Depending on your area, follow-up visits may cost anywhere from $50 to $300 per session. 

The average cost at psychiatric clinics in San Francisco, for example, is $300 for an initial evaluation and $225 for a follow-up visit. 

In Boston, Massachusetts, you can expect to pay $285 on average for an initial visit and $160 for a follow-up. In New York, where psychiatric care is readily available, costs are lower. 

Numerous psychiatric hospitals, clinics, and private practices throughout the state offer a wide range of services, from therapy to medication management. The average cost of an initial evaluation without insurance is $185 and a follow-up visit will cost you on average $110.

Some psychiatrists may set their fees on a sliding scale, which means that the fee you pay will be based on your income. The figures we have given above do not include sliding scale fees. 

Without insurance, you will also be responsible for the full cost of medications and other treatment options your psychiatrist prescribes. 

5 Factors That Affect The Cost Of Psychiatry

As mentioned, the cost of seeing a psychiatrist varies depending on a number of factors. These include the following:

Experience Of The Psychiatrist 

A psychiatrist’s experience can affect the cost of a visit. Generally, a well-established psychiatrist with a strong reputation may have higher fees than those new to the field. 

Additionally, psychiatrists who have completed advanced training or have a specialty certification may charge higher fees. 


Geographical location can significantly impact the fees charged by a psychiatrist. The cost of living, competition among providers, and other factors can vary widely depending on the region, state, or city where the psychiatrist practices.

Psychiatrists who practice in large urban areas with high living costs may charge higher fees than those in smaller towns or rural areas.

In addition, the demand for mental health services and the availability of providers can also affect the fees charged by psychiatrists.

It’s also worth noting that insurance coverage for mental health services can vary by state. Some insurance plans may have different rates or coverage for services psychiatrists provide in other regions.

Services Provided 

The fees charged by a psychiatrist depend on the range of services they provide (e.g. diagnostic assessments, medication management, and psychotherapy).

Generally, psychiatrists who provide more specialized or comprehensive services may charge higher fees than those who offer more limited services. For example, a psychiatrist who provides both medication management and psychotherapy services may charge more than a psychiatrist who only provides medication management services.

Additionally, the length and frequency of appointments can also affect the fees. Longer or more frequent appointments will be more expensive than shorter or less frequent ones.

Treatment Plan

The type of treatment plan prescribed by a psychiatrist can impact the cost of seeing a psychiatrist. This is because different treatment plans involve varying levels of care and medications. 

For example, a treatment plan that includes regular medication management visits and occasional therapy sessions may cost less than a treatment plan that involves more frequent therapy sessions and specialized treatments such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) or transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).

The duration of treatment can also affect the cost of seeing a psychiatrist. Some treatment plans involve shorter-term interventions, such as a few medication management visits or a short course of therapy. These may cost less than longer-term treatment plans that involve ongoing medication management and psychotherapy sessions.

Insurance Plans

Insurance coverage can also affect the fees charged by a psychiatrist. Some insurance plans may cover certain services but not others. This can impact the out-of-pocket costs for patients.

If you don’t have health insurance, or your insurance doesn’t cover mental health services, you’ll typically have to pay the full fee charged by the psychiatrist out of pocket. 

How Much Would A Psychiatrist Cost With Insurance?

If you have insurance and are considering seeing a psychiatrist, contact your insurance provider to confirm your coverage and any out-of-pocket costs that may apply. You should also check with the psychiatrist’s office to ensure they accept your insurance plan.

The cost of seeing a psychiatrist with insurance can vary depending on the type of insurance plan you have and the specific terms of your coverage. 

Generally, out-of-pocket costs will range between $20 and $50 for a visit with a psychiatrist. 

However, insurance coverage for mental health services can vary widely depending on the insurance plan. Some insurance plans may restrict the number of visits or types of treatment covered, and some may require pre-authorization or a referral from a primary care physician.

Several insurance factors will impact your out-of-pocket expenses. For example, if your insurance requires a referral from your primary physician, you will be responsible for the standard co-pay for the visit to your primary physician.

In Or Out Of Network

The most significant impact on the cost of your psychiatrist visit will depend on whether your psychiatrist is in or out of network. 

An “in-network” provider or facility has contracted with your insurance company. This enables them to provide healthcare services to its members at a negotiated rate.

An “out-of-network” provider or facility has not contracted with your insurance company. As such, the rates will be higher. 

When you receive care from an in-network provider or facility, your insurance plan will typically cover a higher percentage of the cost of care. Thus, you will generally pay less out of pocket. But, there may still be some out-of-pocket costs, such as copays, deductibles, or coinsurance, that you’ll need to pay.

Deductibles And Copays

Deductibles and copays further influence how much you pay out of pocket. 

A deductible is the amount you pay out-of-pocket before your insurance coverage begins to pay for your healthcare expenses.

A copay is a fixed amount of money you pay out-of-pocket for a healthcare visit or service at the time of service.

Copays do not count toward your deductible. Copays are a fixed cost you are responsible for paying at the time of service, regardless of whether you have met your deductible.

How To Lower The Cost Of Seeing A Psychiatrist

Here are some ways to ease the financial costs of seeing a psychiatrist:

Consider A Sliding Fee Scale 

Many psychiatrists and mental health clinics offer sliding fee scales based on income or ability to pay. Sliding fee scales adjust the cost of care based on the individual’s income level. This makes care more accessible for those who may not be able to afford standard rates. 

Some sliding fee scales may be based on federal poverty guidelines. Others may use other income thresholds or criteria. You can inquire about sliding fee scales with your mental health provider or clinic to see if you qualify.

Enroll In Obamacare

Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), is a federal law passed in the United States in 2010. Its goal is to increase the number of Americans with health insurance coverage, improve healthcare quality, and reduce the overall cost of healthcare.

Under Obamacare, mental health is considered an essential health benefit. As such, all health insurance plans sold in the individual and small group markets must cover it. This means that health insurance plans must cover various psychiatric treatments and services.

Some of the mental health services covered under the ACA include:

  • Behavioral health treatment, including psychotherapy and counseling services
  • Mental health inpatient services, such as hospitalization and residential treatment programs
  • Prescription drugs used for mental health treatment
  • Preventive services, such as depression screening.

Look For Community Health Centers

Community health centers provide individuals with medical and mental health services regardless of their ability to pay. They often provide care on a sliding fee scale. 

Community health centers may offer various services, including counseling, therapy, and medication management. 

Consider Telehealth 

Telehealth, or virtual healthcare services, can be a more affordable way to access psychiatric care. Many psychiatrists and mental health providers now offer telehealth services. This allows individuals to access care from their homes. 

Telehealth visits are done through video or phone calls. They may be covered by insurance or offered at a lower fee than in-person visits. 

You can check with your mental health provider or insurance company or use online telehealth directories to find nearby telehealth services.

Explore Support Groups 

Support groups can provide valuable emotional support and guidance. And many of them are free or low-cost. 

Support groups are usually led by trained professionals or run by peer organizations. They may focus on specific mental health conditions or general mental wellness.

You can find support groups in your area by checking with your mental health provider. Or, you can use online directories such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) or the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA).


Mental health services can be expensive, and without insurance, the cost can be a barrier to accessing care. A reliable health insurance plan can make accessing and affording psychiatric services much easier. 

At Enhance Health, our licensed insurance representatives have specialized knowledge of health insurance plans and the healthcare system. We can guide you through all your options and help you enroll in a plan that meets your needs and budget.

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