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How To Sign Up For Obamacare In Indiana

Are you a US citizen residing in Indiana? If so, you may qualify for affordable health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Otherwise known as Obamacare, it offers health plans that everyone can afford, based on their needs. 

Obamacare is available throughout the US, but different states have their own Obamacare sign-up procedures and portals. So if you’d like to know more about how to sign up for Obamacare in Indiana, keep reading. We’ll explain all you need to know.

Obamacare In Indiana: What To Know

After peaking in 2015, Indiana Obamacare enrollment steadily declined year upon year. However, in 2022, enrollment picked up again. This may have been due to the American Rescue Plan’s subsidy enhancements. 

A major factor in this enrollment decrease after 2015 was the Medicaid expansion in Indiana in February 2015.  Many of the low-income Indiana residents who were signed up for subsidized Obamacare health insurance plans in 2015 transitioned to Medicaid by the following year. 

Indiana Obamacare is still available to all US citizens living in Indiana, who meet the general Obamacare qualification criteria (see list of criteria below). If you currently qualify for Medicaid, this will continue. If, however, you have no health insurance coverage, you may apply for Obamacare. 

All US citizens are required to have health insurance. While the penalty and fee for not having a health plan were reduced to zero at a federal level, some states have individual mandates. The state of Indiana is not one of them, nor is it considering a mandate for the foreseeable future.  

Indiana Obamacare Rates

The average marketplace rates of Indiana Obamacare plans are increasing by about 6% for full-priced premiums in 2023. But most Obamacare applicants receive subsidies to assist with health plan expenses. These subsidies change yearly to keep pace with the cost of the benchmark Obamacare health care plan. 

It is easier to get assistance with health insurance costs in Indiana. That’s because Indiana is one of only two states where cost-sharing reductions (CSR) apply to all the Obamacare health plans. Five insurers are currently offering Obamacare health insurance plans in Indiana for 2023. 

If your income is between 138-400% of the federally stipulated poverty level, don’t worry that you won’t be able to afford health insurance. You may be eligible for tax credits to assist you with your health insurance costs.  

However, if you have only recently become unemployed, your eligibility may be affected by the unemployment benefits you receive. Should you be unsure of your unemployment benefit status, contact the Indiana Unemployment offices to check how this applies to you. 

How To Sign Up For Obamacare In Indiana

There is no specific Indiana Obamacare exchange for choosing your health insurance coverage. However, there are several ways you can apply for Obamacare coverage in Indiana.  

Federal Obamacare Portal

The entire Obamacare enrolment process can be initiated online. You can sign up for Indiana Obamacare through the federal marketplace portal, at HealthCare.gov. Simply click on ‘Get started” followed by “Indiana”, to create an account. 

You will need to register for an account through your email account using your email address to access it. Once you have done so you may compare health plans and apply for coverage.  

The Best Way To Sign Up For Obamacare In Indiana

An easier and much less stressful way to compare plans and prices, and sign up for Obamacare, is through Enhance Health. As our name suggests, we will help you find the best health plan for you and your family. 

It can be daunting to choose the right health plan if you aren’t familiar with the industry’s terminology. And you want to be sure that you get the right coverage for your family’s specific needs. But our friendly and capable consultants are just a phone call away. 

They will assist you with the entire process, so you’re assured of getting the best deal for your physical and financial health. 

No matter how you enroll in Obamacare, be sure to do so during the open enrollment period. The 2023 Open Enrollment season runs from November 1 2022 up until January 15, 2023. Your health plan coverage will apply from the first of January 2023.

What Do You Need To Sign Up For Obamacare?

To sign up for Obamacare in Indiana and across the US, you must meet the following qualifying criteria:  

  • US citizenship/legal immigration status
  • Not incarcerated
  • A minimum income (or no income)
  • Apply during the enrolment period (see above)
  • Not a dependent on another person’s health insurance
  • No employer-funded health insurance

You may be required to provide proof of your income or unemployment status, along with other personal documents and financial information. The purpose of this is to verify that you meet the criteria for Obamacare. You may, of course, also qualify for Medicaid, which is still available in Indiana. 

Key Takeaways

It’s easy to sign up for Obamacare in Indiana when you understand the rules and all the jargon. But not everyone can select the best health plan amongst all those on offer. It also takes time to make comparisons, and find the best one for you. 

If you need help with your Obamacare sign-up, choosing a health insurance policy, or any other health insurance issue, give us a call. We will guide you through the entire process of your Obamacare sign-up.

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