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How To Sign Up For Obamacare In Michigan

The Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare as it has come to be known, was passed into law in 2010. It paved the way for all US citizens to access affordable health insurance, regardless of employment status or income. 

Although one can sign up for it across the US, different states have their own enrolment procedures. If you need to know how to sign up for Obamacare in Michigan, read our simple guide below.

About Obamacare In Michigan

Michigan offers several medical assistance programs tailored to suit different groups of people. Each has unique eligibility requirements. When you apply for a program, your circumstances will be assessed to determine your eligibility.

These healthcare coverage options include Medicaid, Healthy Michigan Plan, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and a tax credit to help pay your health coverage premiums. You can get more information about these healthcare options online at MI Bridges.

Michigan also has channels for people to access affordable healthcare through Obamacare. The state does not have its own health plan exchange site for Obamacare enrollment and uses the federal marketplace site. 

However, please take note of the following:

Business Health Options

Small businesses may buy ACA coverage for their employees. Check with your employer if they have already done so. If you already receive ACA health care coverage through your employer, you cannot enroll for Obamacare separately.

Healthy Michigan Plan

The Healthy Michigan Plan (HMP) is a category of eligibility authorized under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Michigan Public Act 107 of 2013.  Check your eligibility for the healthcare offered under this plan before proceeding with Obamacare enrolment.


Newly unemployed people receiving unemployment benefits might not be eligible for some of Obamacare’s health plans. If you’re uncertain about whether your state unemployment benefits affect your eligibility, contact the Department of Labour and Economic Opportunity (LEO) for advice.


In June 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade, which returned to states the power to regulate or prohibit, abortion. 

Although Michigan had a pre-Roelaw that would ban virtually all abortions, abortion in Michigan is currently legal. That being said, in Michigan, certain restrictions may apply on abortion coverage in the Affordable Care Act under Medicaid, private insurance, and the marketplace.

How To Sign Up For Obamacare In Michigan

Michigan does not run its own state exchange but instead relies on the federal marketplace at Healthcare.gov to provide Obamacare health plans in Michigan. 

US citizens from all over the country may use this platform. Simply select your state and you’ll be shown health plan options to choose from. You can struggle to do this yourself if you aren’t sure how health plans work. 

But you don’t necessarily have to use the federal government website to enroll in Obamacare in Michigan. You can consult a licensed health insurance agent or enroll through a web-based online broker.

Here at Enhance Health, we have the know-how and the resources to help you select the right health insurance coverage for you. Simply give us a call and one of our capable agents will take you through the entire process and ensure you get the best coverage possible.

Obamacare Michigan Cost

Michigan Obamacare enrollment has been running smoothly, and the Michigan health insurance marketplace has fourteen companies listed. More than 300 000 Michiganiates enrolled for 2022 coverage. The average monthly premium was $503 per month for individuals, less than the US average. 

But the costs of Obamacare in Michigan depend on the plan you select. Deductibles and copayments also affect the cost and differ from plan to plan. 

That is something that many people don’t fully understand when enrolling for Obamacare in Michigan. Whether you opt for the bronze, silver, or gold plan depends on your income circumstances. When you speak to one of our consultants, they will help you determine which of these plans you need. 

There are resources available for people who cannot afford the premiums. Therefore insurance may start as low as $171 per person for a medical insurance plan in Michigan. (These are the lowest premiums quoted, subject to change. They also don’t take copayments and deductibles into account.)

What Do You Need To Sign Up For Obamacare In Michigan?

If you meet the criteria in the list below, you may sign up for Obamacare in Michigan. However, be sure to sign up during the open enrollment period. If a life event prohibits you from enrolling during this time, you may apply for an extended enrollment period.

Open Enrolment Period

Enroll by December 15 for health insurance coverage that starts January 1. The open enrollment period ends on January 15. It applies whether you sign up through the federal site or a private health insurance broker.

Qualifying Criteria For Michigan Obamacare Sign-Up

  • US citizen or legal immigrant status
  • Minimum income earner or unemployed 
  • Not a dependent on another person’s health insurance 
  • Your employer does not provide health insurance coverage
  • Not incarcerated

Key Takeaways

The state of Michigan is well prepared for its citizens to access Obamacare sign-up. Despite not having a Michigan Obamacare exchange, numerous channels are available for further information and advice. 

But to compare plans and discern the better option for you and your family, you need assistance from people with expertise in this field. Contact us today for help with choosing a plan that meets your needs.

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