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How To Sign Up For Obamacare In Nebraska

Signed into law by President Obama in 2010, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) aimed to provide affordable healthcare to all US citizens. 

Since its inception, it has become more widely known as ‘Obamacare’, even at the government level. But while Obamacare is available country-wide, each state has its own enrollment process and rules. 

Do you need to know how to sign up for Obamacare in Nebraska? It’s not nearly as difficult as you might believe. So, if you’re looking for a health plan that you can afford, keep reading to get all the information you’ll need. 

About Obamacare In Nebraska

The governor of Nebraska, Pete Ricketts, is opposed to Obamacare and Medicaid expansion in the state. He has expressed concern about feedback from Nebraskans complaining of a rocky rollout, high premiums, and deductibles.

He has stated that Nebraskans in need have access to quality healthcare at community clinics. Also, Nebraska has low unemployment rates and numerous open jobs across the state. Therefore, many Nebraskans have access to good healthcare benefits through their employers.

Nebraska does not have a state-run health exchange where you can get direct health plan quotes. However, if you’re looking to sign up for Obamacare in Nebraska, the federal health exchange will direct you to approved health insurance brokers and exchanges. 

You may qualify for free or low-cost health care through Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Your employment status doesn’t determine whether or not you’re eligible for health insurance, but rather your household size and total income.

If you already qualify for Medicaid, you may continue to receive those benefits.

Obamacare Nebraska Rates

Millions of Americans have gained access to affordable, quality healthcare since the official launch of the Obamacare marketplaces in 2013. Since then, enrollment across the country has been relatively steady. Many of these people live in states that use the federal marketplace.

Yet in Nebraska, only a little over 99 00 people have selected a health plan on the HealthCare.gov federal marketplace in the current enrollment period. This is far lower than many other states. This could be due to two factors. 

Either, most Nebraskans have adequate healthcare coverage through their employers/can afford private coverage, or they are reluctant to sign up for Obamacare. In the case of the latter, the state’s attitude to Obamacare and Medicaid expansion (as stated above) may play a role. 

However, for those Nebraskans who sorely need this coverage, help is available. Despite reluctance to expand Obamacare and Medicaid in Nebraska, it couldn’t be easier to sign up for it.  You’ll have two choices, both easily accessed online and outlined below.

How To Sign Up For Obamacare In Nebraska 

Nebraska does not have a state-run health insurance exchange, but you can sign up for Obamacare at HealthCare.gov. Here you can compare health plans and find the one that best suits you and your family’s healthcare needs.

But unless you understand the jargon, you may struggle to find the right plan for your needs and budget. Every family has different medical needs and unique financial circumstances. And we know how time-consuming and confusing it can be to wade through lots of information on health plans.

You can trust us here at Enhance Health to assist you with the entire process. Our friendly and capable consultants will go through the information with you and help you to select the best one. Give us a call today, and we’ll gladly assist you with your Obamacare sign-up in Nebraska.

And don’t worry if you are unemployed or earn a low wage. There are health plans with premiums that are essentially free. We will be able to direct you to them. 

However, if you are only recently unemployed and are receiving state unemployment benefits, it may affect your eligibility.

Who Qualifies For Obamacare In Nebraska?

Most Americans have to get health insurance and maintain it throughout the year. Failure to do so may result in a penalty. 

The federal fee was scrapped in 2019 but some states have individual state-based mandates. That means you’ll be charged a fee on your state taxes for not having health coverage. The state of Nebraska does not have an individual mandate or penalty fee and is not considering having this in the future.  

Obamacare was passed into law to provide all Americans with affordable, good-quality healthcare. But there are a few criteria that you must meet to qualify for Obamacare.

To sign up for Obamacare in Nebraska, as in any other state, you’ll need to:  

  • Be a US citizen/legal immigrant
  • Earn a minimum income 
  • Apply during the open enrolment period (see below)
  • Not be incarcerated 
  • Have no health insurance from your employer
  • Not be eligible for benefits as a dependent on another person’s health insurance plan

Be sure to sign up during the enrollment period. The enrollment period is from November 1 through January 15.


Obamacare in Nebraska continues to be a contentious issue. Many Nebraskans are not interested in it, and even the governor has had reservations about Nebraska’s Obamacare and Medicaid expansion. 

A lot of this resistance to Obamacare stems from misunderstandings about premiums and deductibles. But with the correct information, you will discover there are plans to suit every person’s income and family responsibilities. 

So give us a call today and we’ll make it happen for you.

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