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How To Sign Up For Obamacare In Tennessee

Obamacare has changed the lives of many Americans since it came into being in 2010. Barack Obama, the president at the time, signed it into law to ensure that all Americans despite their income can access basic healthcare.

There are several plans at different price points to suit the needs of individuals and families. And there are many factors to consider before signing up. 

Below we take a look at all the important aspects of Obamacare in Tennessee so that you can make the choice that’s right for you!

About Obamacare In Tennessee

Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act, is a federal law that works to provide Americans with affordable health care. There are several different plans available that range in price so you can ensure you choose the right plan for your budget and needs.

The Affordable Care Act also provides marketplace platforms where Americans are able to compare different plans. They offer a comparison of the benefits and costs of each.

Another aspect specific to Obamacare is that it provides for the compulsory cover of 10 categories in healthcare. These are as follows:

  • Pregnancy, maternity, and newborn care
  • Mental health and substance use disorder services
  • Emergency services
  • Hospitalization
  • Prescription drugs
  • Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices
  • Ambulatory patient services
  • Preventative and wellness services and chronic disease management
  • Pediatric services include oral and vision care (this is not included for adults)
  •  Laboratory services

That means that no matter your plan or price range your medical insurer has to provide cover for the above 10 categories. This ensures that even if you are on the lowest plan, you receive cover for all the important things. 

Who Is Eligible To Enroll?

Before you sign up for Obamacare, it’s important that you are eligible to do so. If you are unsure whether you can sign up, our brokers at Enhance Health are more than happy to assist. 

Generally, most Americans are eligible to sign up for Obamacare provided they are not incarcerated and not a member of Medicare.

Other general criteria for enrolling state that you should be an American citizen, national, or lawfully present in the country and you should reside in the USA.

Obamacare Plans In Tennessee

There are a number of different plans. Each one provides a different level of coverage based on the premium you pay. For example, the plan with the lowest premiums is the bronze plan. While the premiums are lower, it has the most basic coverage and the highest co-payment.

The silver and gold plans are slightly more expensive, but the cover is more comprehensive with a lower co-payment. The plan with the highest premium is the platinum plan. This offers the most comprehensive cover and the lowest co-payment.

Choosing the right plan for you may be tricky, especially if you have to consider the needs of your dependents. That’s why it’s best to contact an experienced broker from Enhance Health to ensure you make an informed decision.

Did Tennessee Refuse Federal Money For Obamacare?

Technically, Tennessee has refused federal money for Obamacare. This is largely due to the fact that the state elected not to expand Medicaid coverage as it was provided for under the Affordable Care Act. 

As a result of this decision, the state of Tennessee has lost over $2.1 billion in federal funding. Despite this, Obamacare is still available in Tennessee. 

How To Sign Up For Obamacare In Tennessee

There are essentially two ways to sign up for Obamacare in Tennessee. You can either do so on the governmental platform HealthCare.gov or make use of a private broker or marketplace likeEnhance Health.

To sign up using the government website, insert your personal details and follow the prompts. You can use this platform to sign up, change or renew your Obamacare plan.

If you would like to get information regarding all the plans and better understand which would be the best one for you and your budget, then contacting a broker like Enhance Health is the way to go.

Our team of experts is able to take you through each plan, the fine print, and the monthly premium costs, and advise you on the best fit for you and your family. We do so by offering comprehensive plan comparisons so that you are able to see the full picture.

We are also more than happy to help with the signup process and will assist with every aspect from start to finish. If you are only looking to change a plan or renew, our team can help with that too! 

What Do You Need To Sign Up For Obamacare In Tennessee

Whether you are signing up on the government platform or making use of a private broker like Enhance Health, you will need to ensure you have all of the following documentation:

  • Expected income information
  • Employment details
  • Social security number
  • Immigration information if this is applicable
  • Information relating to any current healthcare policies that you are on

Key Takeaways

Obamacare is a great initiative that helps millions of Americans every year. But, to reap the rewards you need to enroll in the right plan during the right time (the open enrollment period). It can be difficult to navigate through all the different options on your own. So, to ensure you make the right choice, reach out to one of our expert brokers today at Enhance Health on 877-395-2858.

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