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How To Sign Up For Obamacare In Texas?

Obamacare, officially called the Affordable Care Act (ACA), is legislation passed by President Obama in 2010. 

The law’s primary purpose is to extend healthcare coverage to all Americans, especially those who don’t have health insurance through their work. 

The ACA mainly benefits people in low-income brackets by providing subsidies in the form of tax credits, making health coverage affordable for all.

The law imposes specific coverage rules on health insurers to include ten essential health benefits. While Essential health benefits are minimum requirements for all Marketplace plans, specific cover in each benefit category may vary between states.

If you want to know how to sign up for Obamacare in Texas, check out our helpful guide below.

About Obamacare In Texas

When the ACA was implemented, health costs across the U.S. were rising. Many people of the nation could not afford health care or were denied insurance because they had preexisting health conditions. 

Despite repeated efforts by some senators to revoke the ACA, the number of enrollees in Texas continues to increase. In 2022 Texas set a record for enrollees in Affordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance.

The state’s enrollment numbers rose by 548,000 – totaling over 1.8 million Texans signed up for ACA health insurance plans. An increase of 42%.

Eligibility for Obamacare is the same across the United States. You are eligible if you are a U.S. citizen living in the United States. You can also apply if you are an immigrant legally residing in the U.S. 

No insurer offering ACA-compliant plans can deny coverage because of a preexisting health condition. But if you smoke, you might have to pay a higher monthly premium.

How To Sign Up For Obamacare In Texas

In Texas, you can enroll from November 1 through January 15. If you want your coverage to start on January 1, you need to sign up by December 15.

Some states use state-based health exchanges. Texas has not set up a state-based system. You can apply through the federal health insurance Marketplace.

Choosing the health coverage best fits your needs can take time and effort. And it can be an overwhelming process with loads of fine print to read. 

You may want guidance in choosing the best plan and assisting with the enrollment process. In that case, you can get health insurance through a licensed broker like Enhance Health

You can simplify the sign-up process for Obamacare in Texas by chatting with one of our experienced insurance agents. We will give you personalized service to help you fully understand your options. 

Give us a call, and one of our helpful agents will outline your options based on the information you provide. To help you choose the best plan for your needs, we will talk to you about your earnings, household size, and health history.

You can decide on your medical insurance coverage after we have thoroughly explained your options and assisted you in understanding all the fine print.

How Much Is Obamacare In Texas?

The cost of your health insurance premium is determined by your income under the ACA, not what the insurance provider wants to charge. Other factors that influence monthly health coverage premiums are your household size, the plan you choose, and the amount of your premium tax credit.

The average monthly plan cost from the public health insurance market ranges from $328 to $482. Most people who buy ACA-compliant plans are eligible for tax credits that lower their insurance premium costs.

ACA plans are organized into “metal tiers,” which determine how much of the premium you pay. 

  • Bronze has a low monthly premium and the highest cost of care.
  • Silver, also known as the “benchmark” plan, has moderate monthly premiums and moderate costs when you need care. 
  • Gold Has high monthly premiums but low costs when you need care
  • Platinum Has the highest monthly premiums and the lowest costs when you need care


Understanding health insurance terms and costs can take time and effort. That is why working with a licensed broker like Enhance Health can be helpful.

What Do You Need To Sign Up For Obamacare? 

If you want to sign up for Obamacare in Texas, there are a few essential things to be aware of. Your eligibility for subsidized health care is based on your income for the forthcoming year. 

This means you cannot use the prior year’s income listed on your tax return. 

When you apply for health coverage subsidies, you must estimate your income for the current year. 

To ensure a smooth enrollment process, you will need the following information for everyone listed on your tax return, even if you only apply for cover for yourself. 

  • Proof of identity, citizenship & Immigration documents.
  • Estimated incomes for this year.
  • Social Security benefit letter, retirement, pensions, unemployment insurance, and information on any other income you receive.
  • Medical history. While pre-existing health conditions will not affect the cost of health insurance on Obamacare, smoking, weight, and age can. 
  • Employer details.
  • Policy numbers for any current health insurance plans covering members of your household.

The Bottom Line

Health insurance protects you from expensive medical bills when emergencies arise. Plus, ACA health plans cover preventative services like screening tests without upfront cost to you at the time of service.

While the benefits of health coverage are well understood, many people find enrolling through the national health insurance marketplace intimidating. 

If you need personalized service, Enhance Healthhave licensed agents to help you find insurance plans that fit your needs. Our agents help determine if you are eligible for Obamacare subsidies and identify marketplace plans available in Texas.

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