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Information about affordable health plans and health insurance tips

The Cost Of Health Insurance Without A Subsidy

The rising cost of healthcare in the US has been a concern for a long time, leading to healthcare reforms like the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010. This Act sought to make healthcare more affordable and accessible to all. One of the ways it did so was by making

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Dental Insurance Explained: How It Works

Have you ever applied for a job and seen that it includes “dental”? It’s a benefit most Americans look for. And a quick look at dental statistics in the US will give you a clue why. They show that tooth decay affects 90% of adults aged 20 to 64, and

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Is It Worth Buying Dental Insurance? 

Many significant advances have been made in oral care in the past decades. And yet, reports indicate that many Americans still suffer from dental and oral health problems. Fortunately, dental insurance exists to lessen the burden of the high costs of good dental care.  Dental plans work the same way

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What Is Supplemental Insurance?

You may hear about supplemental insurance when looking into your health insurance options. But what is supplemental insurance, and why should you care? Supplemental insurance can be a great way to increase your coverage while keeping costs low. We’ll cover the main types of supplemental insurance and how to decide

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What Is A Copayment?

Have a cursory glance through any insurance policy document, and you’ll see several industry-specific terms. One of these is ‘copayment’. You’ll see it in virtually every insurance plan, and it’s an essential detail. But what is a copayment, and what does it mean for you? Some terminology will be unfamiliar

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Single-Payer Systems Explained

Single-payer healthcare systems have received a lot of attention in recent years. Many proposals for it have come and gone, and it still has much support. But, although it has been successfully introduced in several countries, it is not yet a part of the US healthcare landscape.  Will it ever

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Are You Eligible For An ACA Premium Subsidy?

Affordable health insurance is a must if you want to stay healthy and enjoy peace of mind in a medical emergency. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) made affordable insurance accessible for everyone. But despite this revolutionary healthcare reform, not everyone can afford insurance. Fortunately, this issue was addressed by introducing

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Understanding Out-Of Network Coverage

Health insurers take their provider network management very seriously. It streamlines the claims process and reduces costs for both the insurer and their policyholders. That’s why, when you read through any health insurance policy, you’ll see the words ‘provider’ and ‘network’ several times.  You may also see references to in-network

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