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Information about affordable health plans and health insurance tips

Health Insurance Deductibles: What You Need To Know

Health insurance deductibles can be difficult to understand and navigate if you’re not armed with all the relevant, correct information. In this article, we outline all the information you need to understand what deductibles are, the advantages and disadvantages of a high deductible, and how to choose a deductible that

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Choosing Your Doctor (Primary Care Physician)

Choosing the doctor who will be your first port of call for anything health-related is a crucial decision. You want a doctor who understands your current health and has the relevant expertise to deal with any health issues that may arise. It’s also great to have a good rapport with

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Understanding Biden’s Healthcare Plan

Most people are familiar with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare, which was passed into law in 2010. It made health insurance, and as a result, healthcare, more accessible to the average US citizen. But President Joe Biden has a healthcare-centered plan of his own.  The ACA is the

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What Is Coinsurance & How Do Medical Claims Work?

The cost of healthcare services is increasing at a rapid rate because of medical inflation. So, it is more important than ever to invest in your health and well-being by getting health insurance coverage.  Having insurance to cover your healthcare costs helps you save money and avoid hefty financial strain

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How Much Does Obamacare Cost Per Month?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), more popularly known as Obamacare, was signed into law in 2010 to give everyday US citizens wider access to healthcare and health insurance.  The Obamacare health plans offered on the federal health insurance marketplace have varying price points. But without the additional subsidies offered for

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Health Insurance Options For Uber Drivers

Health insurance is a must in today’s world, with the cost of healthcare out-of-pocket simply unaffordable for most people. That is why jobs with good health benefits are so sought after.  But what happens if you are an Uber driver? Will you have access to health insurance? As an independent

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What Are The Obamacare 2024 Subsidies By Income Level?

Good healthcare is a must-have whether you’re a single individual or you are married with children. And affordable health insurance makes good healthcare more accessible. There are so many health insurance options on the market. However, not everyone can afford them.  That’s why the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was passed

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How Much Does Surgery Cost Without Insurance?

Although you may take the very best care of your health, there’s always the chance that you may develop a serious medical condition. Even if not, accidents can happen. And you may one day need to have surgery, which can be very expensive. It doesn’t have to be a very

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How Much Does Cataract Surgery Cost Without Insurance?

As with most healthcare needs, cataract surgery without insurance can get pricey. The surgery is a corrective vision surgery that’s usually covered by health insurance excluding add-ons, but how much does cataract surgery cost without insurance? The answer is varied depending on a variety of factors, which we’ll explain below.

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