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Information about affordable health plans and health insurance tips

What Are Health Insurance Lifetime And Annual Limits?

Finding the right health insurance can be challenging. This is especially true when you’re faced with terms like “lifetime maximum benefits,” “annual limits,” and “out-of-pocket maximums.”  Luckily, Enhance Health is here to help you understand how lifetime and annual limits have changed under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and what

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Know Your ACA Rules: The Affordable Care Act Mandate

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, has significantly impacted the American healthcare system since its implementation. One of the ACA’s central components is the mandate to ensure broader health insurance coverage among the population.  It is crucial for businesses to understand the ACA rules and mandates to

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Medical Discount Card: Free Health & Prescription Discounts

With healthcare and medication costs still higher than many Americans can afford, people are looking for ways to save on their prescription drug costs and other medical essentials.  You may have heard you’ll enjoy prescription discounts with a medical discount card. But what exactly is it, and how does it

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Fixed-Indemnity Insurance

Fixed-indemnity insurance (FDI) plans are widely considered an affordable solution for out-of-pocket medical expenses. But are they really useful, and can they offer the peace of mind that comprehensive medical insurance plans do?  This guide to fixed indemnity plans aims to answer these questions by examining what they are, how

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Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) Plans

Health insurance can be puzzling to people outside the industry. All the insurance terminology complicates the issue of finding a health plan you can rely on. So if you’ve always wanted to know what Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) plans mean and what they mean for you, keep reading. We believe

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Choosing To Self-Pay When You Have Health Insurance

Have you ever faced a medical crisis and been unable to afford the treatment? That’s why health insurance exists. Health insurance can quite literally be a lifesaver on those occasions when you need lengthy, complex, or expensive medical procedures. But are there any situations that justify choosing to self-pay when

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Is It Illegal To Not Have Health Insurance?

When the comprehensive health care reform law, the Affordable Care Act, was implemented in 2010, it gave millions of Americans access to affordable health care. But it also made it mandatory to have health insurance. What does that mean? Is it illegal to not have health insurance?  Join us as

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